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4 <br />Ordinance The City Attorney presented Ordinance No. 267, being e.n ordinance levy- <br />Occupation ing a.n occupation tax on every person, firm corporation or association of <br />Tax persons pursuing any occupation taxed, or that may be hereafter taxed,by <br />the occupation tax laws of the State of Texas; fixing the amount o£ such <br />tax at one-half the State tax; providing a penalty for its violation and <br />declaring an emergency. <br />~dotion by Roark, second by Agee, that the ordinance as read be passed. <br />Carried <br />Motion by Boyle, second by Ruff, that Ordinanoe No.?_67 as a~3opted, be <br />published in the Official newspaper. Carried. <br />There being no further business to come before the Counoil ~~ this time, <br />on motion by Agee, second by Hoark, ad~ourrunent was taken. <br />.-. <br />~_._.: <br />,:~ y , ~"' <br />,G,~ `'~ ~ ~,~--> ~~- t_~.-, ,cal; <br />Secretary, i o a Porte, T • <br />V <br />