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<br />M~TES OF REGULAR MEETING <br /> <br />3 ~ <br />OF THE LA PORTE CITY COUNCIL <br />AUGUST 2)ath, 1936, 8:00 P.M. <br />Meeting was called to order by Mayor Sharp with the following Councilmen <br />responding to roll call: <br />C.M.Agee, J.J.Roark, F.R.Boyle, Fred Ruff, Geo. Holton <br />Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected. <br />Eaualization Board <br />The report of the Equalization Board was presented to the Counoil, together <br />with the bill for their services. <br />notion by Ald. Agee, second by Ald. Ruff that the report and bills be tabled <br />until next meeting night and that the Mayor get in touch with the members of <br />the Board and report back to the next Council meeting. Carried. <br />membership-League of Texas Municipalities <br />The City Secretary read a communication from the League of Texas Municipali- <br />ties regarding membership in the League for the C ty of Layorte~ After dis- <br />cussion a motion by Ald. Ruff, seconded by A~d. Agee, that the proposal that <br />the City of La Porte join the League of Texa Municipalities be refused, was <br />carried. <br />Screens <br />Ald~. Ruff reported that he had asked Mr Ted Covrley for an estimate on screening <br />~`' the upstairs portion of the C ty Hall and had received the following: <br />$28.60 not including front door screen, X35.60 including front Boar screen <br />The report was tabled. <br />Fainting Bids <br />Motion by Ald~. Ruff second by Ald. Agee that the painting bids for ,outside <br />wood work of City Hall which were opened at the Council meeting on August <br />10th, be thrown out. Carried.• <br />Prices <br />Ald. Ruff reported that he had gotten prices on supplies for the Water Dept. <br />in large quantities with view to saving-;the " City money but was not ready for <br />Council action on the matter as yet. <br />Pri~.g©- main ~;, Seventh <br />~[7.d. Holton reported the bridge on Main & Seventh to be in a deplorable con- <br />dition and asked for some action in the matter. <br />Motion by A1d. Agee, second by Ald. Ruff that the Bridge on Main and Seventh <br />be rebuilt. Carried. <br />~ Janitor <br />147otion by Al d. Agee, second by Al d. Ho~.ton that the services of T.T.Simmons <br />as janitor of the City Hall be discontinued after August 31st, anal that he <br />be notofied of this action by the City Seeretary~s office. Carried <br />1 Potion by Ald. Holton, second by Ald. Agee that Cdr W.R.Vickers be employed <br />,;"s'~~ as janitor for the City Ha11 at X3.00 per month and that the City Secretary <br />notify him to get in touch with the chairman of the Bldg. Com. for instruction <br />as to his duties. Carried. <br />OVER <br /> <br />