Wage 172
<br />-~ .
<br />CITY OF LA PORTE ~ _
<br />On this~~7.2th day of Jul . _ , 19L~3, the City Council of
<br />the City of Lame, in Harris ~ourrty, Texas, convened in regular
<br />session at the City Hall in said City with all members thereof
<br />' present,except J. g. Herber, viz:
<br />FRE L~ R . RUFF,-
<br />J. N. JOI~ISON,
<br />J . J . ROARR,
<br />T . F . Sl~1ITH,
<br />~. D. BURGIN,
<br />AI~idIE CflRISTEi~ISEN,
<br />MAYOR
<br />ALDF~.'iEN
<br />City Secretary
<br />Reference is made to the ordinasine which was passed by the
<br />City Council of this City on or about the 10th day of 1:1ay, 19ZF3,
<br />authorizixig the issuance of y?15,000 Sevver Improve~m.ent ~i~arrants,
<br />Series of 19l~3, dated I"jay 10, 19l~3, for the purpose of evidencing
<br />rho indebtedness of the City of ~a Porte for the construction of
<br />the sewer improvements.
<br />~C APPEARS that during the first part of the year 19.3,
<br />until,June 28, 19.3, TJ~rs. 1~~. 0. ~ambly was City Secretary of this
<br />City, and the above described Sewer Improvement tilarrants and the
<br />interest coupons thereto attached have been printed and made rea~Hy
<br />for use. The interest coupons attached to said warrants are executed
<br />by the facsimile signatures of Fred R. Ruff, Mayor, and Firs. I~~. 0.
<br />Lambly, City Secretary. '
<br />AND IT FURTHER APPEARS that on June 28, 19l.~3, the said Mrs.
<br />P,~. 0. Lambly rosigned the office of City Secretary, and thereupon
<br />Annie Christensen was appointed City Secretary, of said City and
<br />has entered upon the duties of that office, and as such City Sec-
<br />retary it becomes her duty to sign the above described v~xrants.
<br />NO1~V, THEREFORE it is~~~hereby ordered that the City Council
<br />does heroby ratify the execution of the interest coupons attached
<br />to the aY~ove described warrants by the facsimile signatures of Fred
<br />R. Ruff,T~4ayor (who is still Mayor} and hrs. ~q. 0. I.ainbly, City Sec-
<br />retary(p~decessor in office to Annie Christensen, n~ev City Secretary).
<br />The foregoing order was read and it was moved by Alderman
<br />Rost-k and seconded by Alderman Burgin that it be
<br />passed; and upon question being called it wa.s unanimously passed
<br />Aldermen Johnson, Roark, Smith and Burgin voting AYE, and no one voting
<br />N0.
<br />FRED I2. RUFF
<br />Ref : ArL-: 716 RCS P,~iayor
<br />S~,,Jer CoQ:i- The L7syor~ turned the matter of the setmer complaiatin back of I~rs. Geo.
<br />plaint Howalds proporty on 2nd St. over to the Sewer Com-nittoe for investigation.
<br />Trailer T a '~'layor appointed the Server Committee and b"dater Committee to rieet
<br />Park with Mr. Reuben Green i.n regard of Trailer Park at Sylvan Beach parr.
<br />Grass at r.'fotion by Burgin, second by Johnson, that the City cut the grass at the
<br />County Bldg. County Bldg.
<br />Carried.
<br />
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<br />I.
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