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<br />2"7'l <br />OPERATIOP! OF OIL AND GAS Y!iEELLS WITHIN THE LIMITS 0~ THE CITY <br />OF LA P~RTE, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLIC SAFETY I21 <br />CONNECTION THERE9~ITH, PROVTDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION AND <br />DHECLARING AN EMERC'ENCY, be approved ®n its second reading. <br />Carried. <br />Zax Caxicell- Motion by Johnson, second by Norris, that the Tax Cancellations <br />stioas shswn on the schedule attachodYti th ese minutes, be appr©ved and <br />e.uthorized by the Council and that the City Taa::::Colleet®r be <br />instructed to sh®w these cancellations on the Tax Records •f the <br />City. <br />Carried. <br />hsst. Secy. The matter of discharging the Assistant City Secret~.ry was dis- <br />Diseharge cussed by the Council and after thoraugh discussi®n, Metion <br />was made by Norris, second by Benson, that the Assistant pity <br />Secretary be discharged for inefficiency, effective February 15, <br />19l~5, and that the em 1®ying of a new assistant be vet;d on by <br />the entire 6ouneil. ~0tion carried with all C©uneilmen present <br />voting Aye. <br />Carried. <br />Joe R. Thsmas Moti®n by Benson, seeondby Smith, that Joe Th®m~s not be per- <br />rent house witted to rent house owned by him on 5th between Main and A <br />on 5th. until property is conneoted to City Sewer, Metimn t• stand <br />if legal. <br />Carried. <br /> <br />Sewer Refund M®tion by J®hnson, second by Smith, that Mrs. W. E. Tucker <br />bo refunded her Sewer Extension Deposit •f X169.77, since <br />the line was already there. <br />Mo~ien by Johnson, second by Smith that Meet r~g~ Carrie <br />adCourn. Carried <br />Soereta ry, ity of orte, xas yor, City o a ©rte, T,~x s <br /> <br />