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~ ~ 303 <br />Rir. J. A. RZc Cauley appeared before the Commission and asked to be considered as <br />Plumbing ln.spector for the City. <br />The May or asked the Commissioners to appoint Tvir. Bill Baugh as Airport ~'la.nager at the <br />La Porte Munie ipal Air port . , <br />Motion by Crate, second by Jones, to appoint Mr. ti~illiam E. "Bill" Baugh as Airport <br />Manager, with full authority to act on all problems in connection with the La Porte <br />Municipal Airport. <br />Carried. <br />City Attorney Carl C. Patrick approved Insurance Policy No. APL 32la2 c, said policy <br />to protect the City and Aviation Corporatism against claims and personal injury, <br />and~or property damage on the days of July 3rd, July bth, 19.9, 12;01 A. T~2. <br />Upon the Gity Attorney's approval of the policy a motion alas made by Jones and seoon- <br />ded by Crate, to accept the policy. <br />Carried. <br />After a lengthy discussion relative to the enlarging and extending the Boundry lines <br />of the City of La Porte, Texas, which were set out in Ordinance Tdo. 375, and passed <br />May 2)~, 19I;.9, and in accordance with Section 10 of the Home Rule Charter of the City <br />of La Porte, a motion was made by Jones and seconded by Crate, that the territory <br />set out and described in Ordinance No. 375, so annexed shall be a part of the City <br />of La Porte, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all rights and pri- <br />vileges of other citizens, and shall be bound by tho acts, ordinances, resolutions <br />and regulations of said City. <br />Carried. <br />The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to read Ordinance rdo. 375 in Hall. Upon reading <br />the Urdinanae in full, Commissioner Jones made a motion, and seoonded by Crate, <br />that Ordinance rto. 375, being <br />AN ORDINANCE ENLARGING AND EXTETyDING THE BOUTdDARY LITJES OF ^1 HE <br />CITY OF LA PURTE, TEXAS , AND ANNEXING ADD IT IONAL ADJACEtV`i' TERR I- <br />TORY TO SAID CITY, <br />be adopted on its seoond and final reading. <br />Carried. <br />The b~a.yor introduced an Ordinance which was reed in full. Commissioner Jones made <br />a motion that the Ordinance be adopted as read. The motion was seoonded by Commiss- <br />ioner Crate, and carried by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Pfeiffer, Commissioners <br />Crate and Jones. T1OES; TJone. The Ordinance thus adopted follows= <br />AAt ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A X100,000.00 INSTALL- <br />bTEN' OF A X500,000.00 ISSUE OF rJATERti`'rORFiS AND SEWER SYSTEM REV- <br />ENUE BONDS ; Tr1AKIN G PROV IS I UNS FOR THE PAYME'~iT OF PRINCIPAL ANll <br />ITJT~?,EST THEREON. <br />- Carried. <br />