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... <br />~ ~.E, <br />r <br />Motion by Crate, second by Jones, that the following Resolution be adopteds <br />P.ES OLUT ION <br />OF THE MAYO AND CITY C~SISSIONERS <br />OF THE CITY OF LA FORTE, <br />Hl1RRIS COBNxY, ,TERAS <br />SEAS, the Supreane Being in His divine wisdom has seen fit to call <br />into H~ kingdom our mast beloved City Official, our friend end colleague, James A. <br />McCauley; and , <br />AREAS, it is our desire to pe4Y special tribute to once whose death has <br />ended a long and useful life; a life devoted throughout to a never ceasing and un- <br />tiring effort to assist his fellowman and a greater portion of which was dedicated <br />to the public welfare; a lifeas span~iaw veiled by all that is tranquil and the mem- <br />ory of whi oh shall live forever within our hearts and to which the passing of time <br />shall lend no obscurity; and, <br />V~REAS, there could be no greater grief than that suffered by the fam- <br />ily he loped and who loved him so dearly, vas, and each of us, desire it to be pro- <br />claimed that we share in the full measure of ,such grief, receiving caazsolation only <br />in the knovrledge that Mao has found the land of supreme pease; <br />BE IT RESCB,VED, therefore, by the Mayor and City Commissioners, that we, <br />collectively and individual]y, express our deepest appreciation and great sense of <br />loss in the death of our dearly beloved friend and assooiete, and that we oomrey to <br />his fe,~ ly our true and unlimited sympathy in this , their time of be raavement ; that <br />when adjournment is taken this day, it shall be as a token of esteem and respect for <br />him, Haar called to a higk~er haane, and for his family who contributed so much to his <br />suecaass; and that our City Clerk cause to be directed to his family a Dopy of this <br />Re s olut iaa~. <br />IN TESTIMONY 9VHEREOF, we hereurit o subs cribs our names this the 13th day <br />of April, A. D. 1950. <br />(signed) Jas. S. Crate, Jr. (5 ed) H. J. Pfbiffer <br />City Commissioner yor, C qty of La orte <br />(Signed} Wm,, P. Janes Texas <br />^ Carried . <br />Pdotion by Crate, seooaid by Jones, that the meeting adjourn. <br /> <br />Carried. <br />