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~-pi <br /> <br /> <br />Milton-Beck and Alva Roland, Plumbing Contractors, appeared before the Commiss- <br />ion in connection with the plumbing Inspector. <br />The mayor requested the City Clerk to open bids for repainting Hose 7.'ruek. The <br />bids were tabulated as follows: <br />E. W. Purvis - We propose to furnish the labor and material foi° refinishing <br />No. 1 F` Truck. This includes Removal of old paint, prime thrmoughly, repaint <br />finish, strip. Labor and material -_----------.---------------.~~~~230.00. <br />Paint outside complete, 2nd r_~.aterial ------------._--.~-- uc. 1 r'ire puck --- <br />fi~c ~dillan Chevrolet Company ---------------_~______________._.________257.50. <br />Pdotion by Burgin, second by Jones, to award bid to E. W, Purvis, in the amount <br />of his bid, X230.00, for painting Fire Hose Truck. <br />Carried. <br />Motion by Burgin, second by Jeales, ratifying the appoi~.tment of Walter Edward <br />Ballard, Jr., to tine office of Special Police Officer. <br />Carried. <br />M ot~on ~by Burgin, second by Jones, that the adjourn. <br />Carried. <br />ATTEST;, <br />