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lv <br />~ • <br />motion by ILigby, second by a'~~l~ite, that Ordinance TTo. X25, being <br />All Oi'?~DIN ^~JCE IiSTtLBLISIiING TH COT!~'~dS!',TION TO 1~ H~~C~V~..,D t3Y THP. IVtAYOR, ~' <br />COI~,~'IZSSIOI~~_.~iS, I~JD `i~l ~~ ~~ ADS OF VA1tIO'JS DEP.~ZTI',~tTS, ATtD APPROPRIATING <br />TIPS I:lOPd'L'Y 'TITII ~~I~ICH TO PAY SLTCI-I SALPP~IT~, <br />be adopted as read, _ <br />Carried, <br />Charles Dunham appeared 'aefore the Commission and rea~uested permission to fix up <br />room under the >:;`i.rements quarters for file purpose of donuts. IJe sated that <br />he had permission from the I~'ire C11ief to make donuts, -and assured the Corrcnission <br />it ~rould not interfere Frith his .^rork as fireman. The Commission una~-iimously granted <br />him per::~i.ssion to make repairs requested, at his o~m expense. <br />The City Clerk handed a Certificate of Indebtedness, dated lIay 26, 1952, in connect- <br />ion y° Plans :~.dvance in Project No. Tex-~1-P-551. The Commission handed the Cer- <br />tificate of Indebtedness to the City Attorney for attention. <br />The Commission instructed °l. A. ~s-tdzur, Supt. of Public b'~Torks, to spray the Lomax <br />Area. <br />Commissioner ',lhi..te stated he had a request from the President of the La Porte TS1- <br />dependent School District, to close a street adjacent to school district property <br />so that they could commence their building project. The Com~i.ssion were in agree- <br />ment to cooperate every way possible with the school district, hcn~rever, ,they <br />needed more details before closing the streets, and certainly would close the <br />streets when the school had acquired all of the property, and would not injure any <br />of -the adjacent property o?°,mers, <br />The Commission unanimously instructed the City Clerk to pay A. C,~LTerchant ;100.00, <br />less X12.50 in adjusting Arbuck7.e ~l.ectrical T:lachinery Company, as agreed, this <br />being his final payment for electrical vrorlc performed on ;"dater ";dell No,. ~., <br />•:, ~_ <br />.Carried..: <br />I;lotion by Rigby, second by Vn~ite, authorizing I!:Tr. Clyde Agee, oti^rner of the LaPorte <br />Drug Company, to continue letting r~Talter Tel. Roberson, -Chief of Police,, have drugs <br />in connection with his injury suffered December 1, 1951, ti^rhile enforcing the law. <br />Carried. <br />City attorney Ectvard J. Cade reported to the Commission he had received a letter <br />from the railroad in cor~nection iTith railroad crossing .Test of 26th Street, off <br />Hightray 225. The railroad company would expect the developer to pay for the <br />crossing and he had conveyed their request to the developer, who had requested the <br />crossing. <br /> <br />