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<br />230 <br />• • <br />The Commission unanimously refused the claim of T. E. Bolding far X50.00 <br />damage to his truck, received in a recent collision with a City truck driven <br />by ~'. A. Arthur, Publie~orks Superintendent. <br />The M~r'or appointed J. ti4~.Copel2nd, Jr., G. C. Mc Collum, Jr., and Wendell <br />Wilkes to the City Tax Equalization Board. <br />Motion by Rigby' second by Pfeiffer, approving these appointments. <br />Carried. <br />The Commission unanimously adopted the following Resolution: <br />RESOLUTION <br />STATE OF T.~~CAS <br />COUNTY OF HARRIS Q <br />CITY OF LA PORTS <br />A RESOLUTICfi1 AUTHORI7~NG THE CITY OF LA PORTS TO BORRGW THE SUM OF TEN THOiTSr1ND <br />DOLLARS 010,000.00) TO BE EVIDENCED BY TAX ANTICTPATI~d NOTE, PAYABLE OUT "OF <br />CURRENT TAXES COLLECTID DURIl~IG THE FISCAL YEAR BEGITd'NING JULY 1, 1951 AND END_ <br />lNG JUNE 30, 1955. <br />WHfftEAS, it has been determined by theCity Commission of the City of <br />La Porte that a necessity exists to borr~r the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars, <br />(w10,000.00), for general adrLi.nistrative purposes and that the anticipated <br />current revenue from ad valorem taxes v~rill amount to approximately Sixty-Six <br />Thousand (~b6,000.00) Dollars,) and <br />i"tF-EREAS, the First National Bank of La Porte, Texas, has agreed to make <br />the City a loan in said sum, to be paid, with three per cent (3~) per annum <br />interest hereon, on or bef ore the 15th day of February, A.D. 1955; and <br />'rtH~EAS, the City will have current revenues from the collection of <br />said taxes available and sufficient to pay said obligation at maturitys <br />N04~f, THE~3E~RE, BE IT ftESOLVE® BY THE CITY COR.9P;SISSION Or^ THE CL TY OF <br />LA POSTE, TEXAS, that the Mayor and City Clerk (Dir actor of finance) be <br />authorised to issue a promissory note of the-City of La Porte, to be desig- <br />nated "Tax Anticipation Note for the Fiscal` Year Beginning July 1, 195i~, <br />and ending June 30, 1955", such. note to be in the principal sum of Ten Thousand <br />Dollars 010,000.00) to bear interest at the rate of three per cent, {3~) per <br />annum until maturity, with the usual provision fcm interest at the rate of six <br />per cent, (6~) per annum on past due principal and interest and ten per cent, <br />(l0a) attorney's fees, such note to be due and payable on or before the 15th <br />day of February, 1855, that said note be sold by the City to the First National <br />$dn.k of La Porte, Texas, at not less than par value. When such note has been <br />duly executed by the Mayor and City C7_erk and delivered to said Bank, with a <br />copy of this resolution, such. indebtedness thereby evidenced shall be fully <br />