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23b <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />1st day of September, A. II., 195., and alike installment to become due and <br />payable on ar before the lst day of each and every succeeding calendar month <br />thereafter, provided, ho~rrever, th at the full amount of said note, together <br />z^rith all i7~teres-~ therecn, shall be paid on or before the 30th da;,r of June, <br />.D., 1955, such note to b e secured by v Liens on the said Chevrolet <br />truck and garbage body; and <br />~'~F_~S, the City tyi~.l have current revenue from the collection of <br />said taxes available and sufficient to pay said ogli~ation at maturity; <br />NOa"f, Ti~?F~~ZE, BF IT ~rSOI,`~~ BY TH~~ CITY CO:~L+`1SSIO~J Or THL' CITY <br />OF LA PODTE, TF`~AS t~iat the 2~~ayor and City Clerk (Director o#' Finance) be, <br />and they are hereby, authorized to issue a pror+issory note of the City of <br />I~w Porte, to b e desi~ated "tax anticipation note _f or the fiscal year be- <br />ginning Jaly 1, 195. and ending June 30, 1955", such note to be in the <br />principal sum of Fifty-T1ine Hundred Tti^renty and 90100 Dollars 05920.90), <br />to bear interest at the rate of five per cent (5;o) per annum until maturity, <br />payable in monthly installments in the sum of not less than Three Hundred <br />Dollaxs (.~~300.00) eac.~, ineludi ng interest, the first of such i nstallrnents <br />to become due and payable on or before the 1st day of Septer.:ber, A.D., 195., <br />and a like installment to become due arx? payable on or before tre lst day <br />of each and every calendar month therea~_ ter, provided that the <br />full principal of said note and all i merest due thereon shall. be paid on or <br />befar'e the 30th day of June, A. II. 1955, that said note contain the usual <br />provisions for interest at the rate of six per cent, (6~) pcr annum on past <br />due principal and interest, maturity accelerating clauses and ten per cent <br />(1~5) attorneyts fees; that such note be secured by valid liens on the said <br />Chevrolet truck and g?rbage body and that said note be sold by the City to <br />