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~_. <br />:~ • <br />?V:'"y_.~.?'ES 1~:'IF'ETTNNG L_Q PORTE PLA2~NIT?G & ZONING CO?~fi:~iISSIQN SEPT. 2L~., 1964 <br />The La Porte Planning and Zmning Commissie~n held its regular monthly <br />meeting at 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Sept. 24, 196l~ at the City Hallo <br />Cc~!Lmission members present included ~lalter R®bersen, chairman; <br />Elsie N!oor®, vice chairman and seeret~ry; D. 0. Laird, Jack;Oliphant, <br />and Jack Smith, <br />Alse present czars Clevis D. 1;2ann, city secretary; Dan Kenn®dye city <br />inspector; and aim Dalnshew and Bvb Aridreczs, representing the firm, <br />Berr_srd Johnsmn Engineers, city planning engineerso <br />Presiding at the meeting was the chairman ~glalter Robersono <br />Jj.m Del®show preser_ted a progress r®port by the planning engineero <br />He reported that a circulation report would be ready far the com~rissi~n <br />in October snd that in November the community facilities report ~v®uld <br />be readyo He announced that a change Qrould have to made circulation <br />wise in the land use map for the La Por t® area since the ann©uncement <br />made by Bayport. The area bounded by Fairm©nt Parkway on the S©uth9 <br />the railra-ad track on the east ar_d Underwood R©ad on the !'lest ~v®uld <br />out©matically rule out at.least 12,000 people in the pr®~ected 629000 <br />pvpulati®n pr®posal, making the pra~ect®d population 509000'insteado <br />He als® ann©unced that La Porte's annexatifln pr®blems sh©uld b® res©lved <br />by the first of the year and at that time a z®ning map tvith~the annexed <br />areas showing their land use, would be,rea.dg f®r the commissionts <br />approval. , <br />It Pzas bn~ught out by the chairman that several ,~f the amendments <br />prflp®sed by the previous z®ning c©mmission had never been followed <br />through on by the city attorney or the city commission alth©ugh many <br />have been used in determining issuance of building permits. He asked" <br />that the city secretary ge through the minut~.s ®f the meetings up to <br />the time the present zoning ®rdinance (Ordinance No. 620) was passed <br />by the city, Oct©ber 4, 1960, and prepare cmpies ©f the amendments <br /> <br />