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M Consider approval or other action authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Professional <br />Service Contract with LJA Engineering, Inc., for the design, bidding and construction phase <br />services for the Scotchmoss Lane Improvements with a total authorization equal to $79,500.00 <br />- D. Mick <br />Councilmember Zemanek moved to approve the Consent Agenda pursuant to staff <br />recommendations. Councilmember Kaminski seconded. MOTION PASSED. <br />Ayes: Mayor Rigby, Councilmembers Engelken, Clausen, Kaminski, <br />Zemanek, Mosteit, Moser and Martin <br />Nays: None <br />Abstain: Councilmember Engelken on Consent Item D <br />Absent: Councilmember Leonard <br />Prior to Council vote, Assistant City Attorney Clark Askins read the caption of the following ordinance: <br />Ordinance 2014-3512: AN ORDINANCE VACATING, ABANDONING AND CLOSING A PORTION OF THE <br />WEST "D" STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, LA PORTE, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING THE <br />EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A DEED TO THE ADJOINING LANDOWNER, FINDING COMPLIANCE <br />WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. <br />7. AUTHORIZATIONS <br />(a) Consider approval or other action authorizing the completion of all phases of the Dispatch <br />Center Console/Workstation project by utilizing currently budgeted funds plus funding from <br />the CIP Fund Balance — K. Adcox/M. Boaze <br />Chief of Police Ken Adcox presented a summary. <br />Councilmember Engelken moved to authorize the completion of all phases of the Dispatch Center <br />Console/Workstation project by utilizing currently budgeted funds plus funding from the CIP Fund <br />Balance. Councilmember Zemanek seconded. MOTION PASSED. <br />Ayes: Mayor Rigby, Councilmembers Engelken, Zemanek, Moser, <br />Clausen, Kaminski, Mosteit and Martin <br />Nays: None <br />Absent: Councilmember Leonard <br />8. DISCUSSION OR OTHER ACTION <br />(a) Discussion regarding the Council -appointed committee for the Truck Study — C. Alexander <br />City Manager Corby Alexander presented a summary regarding a Council -appointed committee for <br />a Truck Study and recommended the committee be comprised of local residents, commercial <br />businesses, and the trucking industry. <br />Mayor Rigby commented he would like each Councilmember to have an appointment and appoint <br />from the business and trucking industry as a whole. <br />Councilmember Zemanek questioned if all of the committee members would consist of citizens of <br />La Porte. Mayor Rigby responded that is a Council decision. <br />Councilmember Clausen asked what is the responsibility of the committee. City Manager Corby <br />Alexander responded it is his understanding the committee will work directly with the consultant that <br />will collect and analyze trucking industry information within the community. Mr. Alexander also <br />added the consultant will present facts and suggestions to the committee for workable solutions <br />similar to a focus group. <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />March 10, 2014, Council Meeting Minutes <br />