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PROVIDING REVENUE FOR MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF MUNICIPAL STREETS"; FINDING COMPLIANCE <br />WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. <br />4. PUBLIC COMMENTS (Limited to five minutes per person.) <br />There were no public comments. <br />5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS <br />(a) Receive report from City Manager <br />• Memorial Day Observed, Monday, May 26, 2014 <br />There were no additional reports. <br />6. COUNCIL COMMENTS regarding matters appearing on the agenda; recognition of community <br />members, city employees, and upcoming events; inquiry of staff regarding specific factual <br />information or existing policies — Councilmember Clausen, Martin, Moser, Kaminski, Zemanek, <br />Leonard, Engelken, Mosteit and Mayor Rigby. <br />Councilmember'Kaminski commented she attended the Rotary function and the La Porte Police <br />Officers' Association Crawfish Boil; both were very nice events. Councilmember Leonard asked <br />everyone to vote for Jake Worthington on The Voice. <br />7. ADJOURN <br />There being no further business, Councilmember Engelken moved to adjourn the meeting at 5:03 <br />p.m. Councilmember Zemanek seconded. MOTION PASSED. <br />Patrice Fogarty, Cit cretary <br />Passed a f o -(pRr9yed off' June 9, 2014. <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />May 19, 2014, Council Meeting Minutes <br />