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Nays: None <br />Absent: None <br />Prior to council action, City Attorney Knox Askins read the caption of Ordinance 2014-3532: AN ORDINANCE <br />AMENDING CHAPTER 70 "TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES BY ALTERING THE PRIMA <br />FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SEC. 545.356, TEXAS <br />TRANSPORTATION CODE, UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS, OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE <br />CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF LA PORTE; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; CONTAINING A <br />SEVERABILITY CLAUSE FINDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINS 'LAW; PROVIDING THAT ANY <br />PERSON VIOLATING THE TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE DEEMED GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR AND <br />UPON CONVICTION SHALL BE FINDED IN A SUM NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS; PROVIDING <br />FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. <br />6. DISCUSSION OR OTHER ACTION <br />(a) Discussion or other action concerning the proposed 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget of the City <br />of La Porte, Texas — C. Alexander <br />Mayor Rigby and Council proposed 9:00 p.m. as the time to recess each budget meeting. <br />Finance Director Michael Dolby began the presentation by discussing the 2015 Budget <br />Summary for Fiscal Year 2015 and an in depth budget discussion followed. <br />Councilmember Martin questioned how a 2.4% increase is calculated over the current year <br />estimate. Public Works Director Dave Mick responded the estimates take place in March and <br />April and is an average cost estimate price per gallon for the next fiscal year. <br />Mayor Rigby questioned the location of Park Fees in the proposed budget. Treasurer Shelly <br />Wolny responded in the Grant Fund as Park Development. <br />Fire Chief Mike Boaze presented the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year proposed budget for the Fire <br />Department. <br />Councilmember Zemanek questioned the decrease in electrical. City Manager Corby <br />Alexander responded the Fire Marshal Office was paying an electrical bill and has now moved <br />into the new Fire Administration Building. <br />Mayor Rigby questioned the decrease in overtime for the Emergency Medical Services <br />Division. Emergency Medical Services Chief Ray Nolen responded the regular earnings will <br />cover the overages in overtime when fully staffed. Mayor Rigby then asked if there are enough <br />Toughbooks for Emergency vehicles. Chief Mike Boaze responded they are all covered. <br />Councilmember Earp questioned how old are the ambulances that will have Stryker Power <br />Load Systems. Chief Mike Boaze responded they will be placed in the newest ambulances <br />that will be operating the longest. <br />Police Chief Ken Adcox presented the 2014-2015 Fiscal Year proposed budget for the Police <br />Department. <br />Mayor Rigby questioned why the Police Administration salaries decreased by $6,000. Police <br />Chief Ken Adcox advised he did not have an answer and the calculations come from the <br />Finance Department. <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />August 11-12, 2014 City Council Meeting Minutes <br />