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for "over 65." Mr. Morris also informed Council he was advised by Staff to address Council with his <br />concerns. Mayor Rigby directed Staff to visit with Mr. Morris. <br />6. CONSENT AGENDA (All consent agenda items are considered routine by City Council and will be enacted <br />by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Councilmember requests an <br />item be removed and considered separately.) <br />(a) Consider approval or other action regarding the minutes of the Regular Meeting held on <br />October 13, 2014 — P. Fogarty <br />(b) Consider approval or other action awarding Bid No. 14033 for the West D Street Drainage <br />Improvements in the amount of $88,305.50 plus a contingency with a total allocation for the <br />construction contract equal to $98,900.00 — D. Mick <br />(c) Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and <br />closing the westernmost portion of the alley in Block 50, La Porte, retaining a 16 foot -wide <br />water and sanitary sewer easement within the area to be closed — T. Tietjens <br />(d) Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance vacating, abandoning, and <br />closing a portion of the North 3`d Street Right -of -Way and the alley in Block 330, La Porte, <br />Harris County, Texas — T. Tietjens <br />(e) Consider approval or other action regarding an amendment to the Meet and Confer <br />Agreement between the City of La Porte and the La Porte Police Officers' Association to <br />clarify procedures used to determine the annual market adjustment and updated pay scales <br />for officers, sergeants, and lieutenants — K. Adcox <br />(f) Consider approval or other action regarding an Ordinance amending the City of La Porte's <br />Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Budget for $329,700.00 in the Grant Fund for the HOME Grant - <br />Phase II (This agreement was approved by City Council at the July 28, 2014, meeting) <br />— M. Dolby <br />(g) Consider approval or other action to utilize DIR Contract DIR-SDD 1951 for the lease of City <br />desktop computers and laptops (This item was pulled at the October 13, 2014 meeting) — <br />J. Suggs <br />(h) Consider approval or other action authorizing the City Manager to execute a purchase <br />agreement in the amount of $62,165.88 for the three (3) Stryker Power Load Systems to be <br />funded from Emergency Services District Fund (034) — R. Nolen <br />Regarding item E, Councilmember Leonard questioned if both the Police Officers' Association and <br />the City of La Porte are in agreement. Police Chief Adcox answered yes. <br />Regarding item D, Councilmember Moser questioned if the item is in relation to the truck stop. <br />Planning and Development Director Tietjens responded that it has nothing to do with the truck stop; <br />however, it is adjacent to the truck stop. <br />Regarding item G, Mayor Rigby questioned if the City is getting a lower price or different <br />computers. Emergency Management Coordinator Jeff Suggs responded the computer <br />Councilmember Earp mentioned at the prior council meeting is not the same computer needed by <br />City staff. Comparing apples to apples, there is a $2.00 difference in our favor on the DIR. In <br />addition, Mr. Suggs advised the City saved a few thousand dollars by deleting a couple of features. <br />Councilmember Leonard moved to approve the Consent Agenda pursuant to staff <br />recommendations. Councilmember Moser seconded. MOTION PASSED. <br />Page 2 of 9 <br />October 27, 2014, Council Meeting Minutes <br />