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• ~ .~ <br />Mr. Johnson read a letter to the Commission which <br />voiced their concern over the situation. <br />Several other persons in the group stated they would <br />like the City Commission to assist them in securing <br />employment. <br />Mayor Smith assured the group that the Commission <br />would investigate the incident and give any help <br />possible in securing employment. <br />+ + + <br />4. Mayor Smith read a letter from Mr. Eugene F. Gribben <br />in regards to a representative being appointed to the <br />board for HCCAA Area 7. <br />Commissioner Burgin was appointed by Mayor Smith to <br />serve on the Board. <br />+ + + <br />5. Commissioner Burgin requested that proposals for <br />employee insurance be placed on the agenda for the <br />next meeting as Mr. Werner was out of town and the <br />proposals were not available. <br />+ + + <br />6. Mrs. Lannie Duncan addressed the Commission in regards <br />to duplexes being built in R-1 Residential zoned areas <br />and what could property owners do to get this changed. <br />Mayor Smith stated that duplexes were now allowed in <br />any part of town, due to a change in the Zoning <br />Ordinance two years ago. <br />After a lenghtly discussion, the Commission suggested <br />that the property owners meet with the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission and state their request and then <br />the Planning and Zoning Commission could make a <br />recommendation to the City Commission. <br />+ + + <br />'7. A resume of telephone improvements was given by <br />Mr. Lyn Alexander of Southwestern Bell Telephone <br />Company. A map showing the different zones and where <br />La Porte subscribers could call toll free after <br />August 2, 1970 was displayed by Mr. Alexander. At <br />this time the rates would be increased by 40 cents. <br />This raise had previously been approved by the <br />Commission. <br />+ + + <br />