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• • <br />Regular Meeting 8/23/71 - continued <br />• AYES: Commissioners Thomas, Kibodeaux, Sampson <br />and Crofoot. <br />NAYS: None. <br />+ + + <br />4. Motion by Comm. Kibodeaux, seconded by Comm. Thomas <br />to postpone for additional study the water billing <br />at 417 S. Utah as two units. Motion carried by the <br />following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Thomas, Kibodeaux, Sampson <br />and Crofoot. <br />NAYS : P1one . <br />+ + + <br />5. Motion by Comm. Thomas, seconded by Comm. Kibodeaux <br />to reject the proposal to close a portion of Park <br />Avenue. Motion failed by the following vote: <br />• AYES: Commissioners Thomas and Kibodeaux. <br />NAYS: Mayor Smith. <br />ABSTAIN: Commissioners Sampson and Crofoot. <br />Motion by Comm. Sampson, seconded by Comm. Crofoot <br />to postpone for additional study the request to <br />close a portion of Park Avenue. Motion carried <br />by the following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Sampson, Crofoot and Mayor Smith. <br />NAYS: Commissioners Thomas and Kibodeaux. <br />+ + + <br />6. Motion by Comm. Thomas, seconded by Comm. Kibodeaux <br />to adopt Ordinance No. 887 as read. Motion carried <br />by the following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Thomas, Kibodeaux, Sampson <br />and Crofoot. <br />NAYS: None. <br /> <br />• CAPTION: <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE 11, OF <br />