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<br />Regular Meeting 10/11/71 - continued <br />• <br />AYES: Commissioners Thomas, Kibodeaux, Sampson <br />and Crofoot. <br />NAYS: None. <br />CAPTION: <br />AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING ELECTRIC FENCES WITHIN <br />THE CITY OF LA FORTE; CONTAINING A SAVING CLAUSE <br />AND A REPEALING CLAUSE; PROVIDING THAT ANY PERSON <br />VIOLATING THE TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BR <br />DEEMED GUILTY OF A MISDEANOR AND UPON CONVICTION <br />SHALL BE FINED IN ANY SUM NOT MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED <br />DOLLARS ($200.00) AND EACH DAY OF VIOLATION SHALL <br />BE DEEMED A SEPARATE OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN" <br />EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. <br />+ + + <br />9. Discussion was held on extending an eight inch <br />water line along South Broadway from Forest Ave. <br />to Crescent Shores. <br />Mayor Smith presented an outline of cost to the <br />• city for extending the line for discussion only <br />and stated that since he was the engineer for the <br />apartment project, he would not officially act <br />on the question. <br />Comm. Thomas and Mr. Spradling questioned the <br />Mayor as to a conflict on interest. <br />Mayor Smith ask Mr. Askins for a legal opinion <br />on his engineering the project. <br />Motion by Comm. Sampson, seconded by Comm. Kibodeaux <br />to postpone for additional study extending an eight <br />inch water line along South Broadway to Crescent <br />Shores. Motion carried by the following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Thomas, Kibodeaux, Sampson <br />and Crofoot. <br />NAYS: None. <br />+ + + <br />10. Motion by Comm. Crofoot, seconded by Comm. Kibodeaux <br />to advertise for bids to be received November 15,1971 <br />• <br /> <br />