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• • <br />Special Meeting 8/17/72 - continued. <br />• <br />Mayor Thomas stated the bids would be <br />tabulated by Baytown Engineering and the <br />contract awarded at the regular commission <br />meeting, Monday, August 21, 1972. <br />+ + + <br />3. Mayor Thomas stated plans and specifications <br />for the fire station building were not completed <br />in time for bids to be submitted on this date, <br />therefore the bid date would be extended to <br />August 24, 1972 and bids would be opened at <br />7:00 p.m., prior to the work shop session. <br />+ + + <br />4. Motion by Comm. Kibodeaux, seconded by Comm. <br />Sampson to approve Jim Bradford going to Dallas <br />on August 21, 1972 in regards to the water and <br />• sewer grant. Motion carried by the following <br />vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Christensen, Kibodeaux, <br />Sampson and Boyle. <br />NAY~~ : None . <br />+ + + <br />5. Mayor Thomas reported to the Commission that <br />he had attended a meeting on Monday, August 14, <br />1972 with Mr. Rush, Mr. Smith, Mr. Busch, <br />Mr. Askins and Mr. Cline regarding the work <br />being done on the sewer line at the Vista <br />Baywood apartment project. He stated a <br />problem with the type of pump that was to <br />be installed was taken care of, but the <br />method used on the installation of the sewer <br />pipe and casing in to the ground was not <br />according to specifications. <br />The Commission discussed the project and existing <br />conditions with Mr. Cline and Mr. Busch. <br /> <br />• Commissioner Kibodeaux recommended that the <br />