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• <br /> <br />Regular Meeting 1/5/76 <br />4 <br />RECESS - The meeting recessed at 8:00 P.M. <br />RECONVENED - The meeting reconvened at 8:05 P.M. <br />+ + + <br />8. DISCUSS TEXAS WATER QUALITY BOARD HEARING - After a brief <br />discussa.on regarding an Enforcement Public Hearing to be <br />held January 22, 1976, by the Texas Water Quality Board, <br />motion by Commissioner Boyle, seconded by Commissioner Love <br />that Mr. Morton and Mr. Hutchison be requested to attend <br />the hearing. Motion carried by the following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Love, Boyle and Mayor Pro-Tem <br />Kibodeaux. <br />NAYS: None. <br />+ + + <br />• <br />9. DISCUSS DISANNEXATION FOR LOMAX - Due to the absence of <br />Commissioner Cline, and Mr. Askins, motion by Commissioner <br />Boyle, seconded by Commissioner Love that this item be tabled. <br />Motion carried by the following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Love, Boyle, and Mayor Pro-Tem <br />Kibodeaux. <br />NAYS: None. <br />+ + + <br />10. CONSIDER APPROVING PAYMENT TO LUMUS BAYTOWN DODGE FOR FOUR <br />POLICE CARS - Motion by Commissioner Boyle, seconded by <br />Commissioner Love to approve payment to Lumus Baytown Dodge <br />for four 1976 Dodge Coronets in the amount of $19,139.16. <br />Motion carried by the following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Love, Boyle, and Mayor Pro-Tem <br />Kibodeaux. <br />NAYS: None. <br />• <br />• + + + <br />