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• <br />. Regular Meeting 5/16/77 4 <br />9. CONSIDER APPROVING PAYMENT TO CHATHAM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY <br />IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,9$6.66 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF FAIRMONT PARK <br />RECREATIONAL FACILITIES - Motion by Commissioner Tomerlin, <br />seconded by Commissioner Kibodeaux to approve payment to <br />Chatham Construction Company in the amount of $19,986.66 for <br />construction of Fairmont Park Recreational Facilities. A <br />copy of the pay estimate is attached and made a part of these <br />minutes. Motion carried by the following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Tomerlin, Kibodeaux, Cline, and Simons. <br />NAYS: None. <br />+ + + <br />10. CONSIDER APPROVING PAYMENT TO BUSCH, HUTCHI80N & ASSOCIATES <br />IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,743.50 FOR IMPROVEMENTS- AT LA PORTE <br />MUNICIPAL AIRPORT - IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST - Motion by Commissioner <br />Simons, seconded by Commissioner Kibodeaux to approve payment to <br />Busch, Hutchison & Associates in the amount of $2,743.50 for <br />improvements at La Porte Municipal Airport In-Place Density Test. <br />• A copy of the invoice is attached and made a part of these <br />minutes. Motion carried by the following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Tomerlin, Kibodeaux, Cline, and Simons. <br />NAYS: None. <br />+ + + <br />11. CONSIDER APPROVING PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 705-H - AMENDING <br />SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - PROVIDING FOR PARK BITES - After the <br />proposed ordinance was read in full, motion by Commissioner <br />Kibodeaux, seconded by Commissioner Simons to approve Ordinance <br />No. 705-H as read. Motion carried by the following vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Tomerlin, Kibodeaux, Cline, and Simons. <br />NAYS: None. <br />CAPTION: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 705 (AN ORDINANCE <br />PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE PLATTING OR RE- <br />PLATTING OF LAND IN THE SUBDIVISIONS IN THE CITY OF LA PORTE AND <br />WITHIN THE EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF LA PORTE); <br />AND PROVIDING THAT ANY PERSON VIOLATING THE TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE <br />• SHALL BE DEEMED GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR AND UPON CONVICTION SHALL <br />BE FINED IN ANY SUM NOT LESS THAN TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) NOR MORE <br />THAN TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200.00) AND EACH DAY OF VIOLATION SHALL <br />BE DEEMED A SEPARATE OFFENSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF <br />+ + + <br />