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• <br />Minutes Regular Meeting <br />La Porte City Council <br />December 11, 1995, Page 4 <br />Motion was made by Councilperson Cooker to approve Ordinance 95-2083 as read by the City Attorney. <br />Second by Councilperson Sutherland. The motion carried, 7 ayes and 0 nays. <br />Ayes: Councilpersons Sutherland, Cooper, McLaughlin, Porter, Gay, Maxwell, and Mayor <br />Malone <br />Nays: None <br />10. CONSIDER AWARDING BID FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF A DUMP TRUCK TO BAYOU <br />CITY FORD AND REJECT THE TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE - S. Gillett <br />Director of Public Works Steve Gillett reviewed the summary and recommendation for the request. <br />Councilperson Cooper and Sutherland brought items to Council's attention. <br />Motion was made by Councilperson Cooper to approve the Bid award as presented Second by <br />Councilperson Porter. The motion carved, 7 ayes and 0 nays. <br />Ayes: Councilpersons Sutherland, Cooper, McLaughlin, Porter, Gay, Maxwell, and Mayor <br />Malone <br />Nays: None <br />11. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS <br />City Manager Robert T. Herrera reminded Council about naming a committee to work on the Seabreeze <br />Park property. Mr. Herrera stated "Staff is anxious to get started". Mayor Malone stated "I have passed <br />around a list of names of people that have served before". <br />12. COUNCIL ACTION <br />Councilpersons Sutherland, Cooper, McLaughlin, Porter, Gay, Maxwell, and Mayor Malone brought items <br />to Council's attention. <br />13. EXECUTIVE SESSION -PURSUANT TO PROVISION OF THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW, <br />CHAPTER 551.071 THROUGH 551.076, AND 551.084, TEXAS GOVERNMENT CODE, - <br />(CONSULTATION WITH ATTORNEY, DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY, <br />DELIBERATION REGARDING PROSPECTIVE GIFT OR DONATION, PERSONNEL MATTERS, <br />CONFERENCE WITH EMPLOYEES, DELIBERATION REGARDING SECURITY DEVICES, OR <br />EXCLUDING A WITNESS DURING EXAMINATION OF ANOTHER WITNESS IN AN <br />INVESTIGATION) <br />There were no items to be discussed in an executive session, therefore none was held. <br />14. CONSIDERATION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON ITEMS CONSIDERED IN EXECUTIVE <br />SESSION <br />