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(c) _ Consider approval or other action regarding a contract with Trikings Construction for the <br /> construction of a concrete parking lot at 114 S. 31 Street, in the amount of$69,170.92, plus <br /> a construction contingency of$3,458.55 for a combined total of$72,629.47— B. Eng <br /> (d) Consider approval or other action awarding Bid No. 15014 (accepting Bid Items 1,2,6,7,8,9, <br /> and rejecting Bid Item 3,4 and 5) to McDonalds Municipal and industrial for Replacement of <br /> Water Wells in the amount of $165,469.00 and authorizing an additional $16,000.00 <br /> allocation to be utilized as a project contingency for a total project authorization of <br /> $181,469.00— D. Mick <br /> Regarding Item C, it was removed from consideration, and the subject will be placed on a future agenda. <br /> Councilmember Leonard moved to approve Consent Agenda items a, b, and d pursuant to staff <br /> recommendations. Councilmember Kaminski seconded. MOTION PASSED. <br /> Ayes: Mayor Rigby, Councilmembers Kaminski, Earp, Engelken, <br /> Leonard, and Martin <br /> Nays: None <br /> Absent: Councilmembers Clausen, and Zemanek <br /> Prior to Council vote, Assistant City Attorney Clark Askins read the caption of the ordinance from the <br /> Consent Agenda: <br /> Ordinance 2015-3585 <br /> AN ORDINANCE VACATING, ABANDONING AND CLOSING PORTIONS OF THE WEST "D" STREET <br /> RIGHT-OF-WAY, THE WEST "E" STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, THE SOUTH 13TH STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, <br /> THE SOUTH 14TH STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, THE SOUTH 15TH STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY, AND THE <br /> ENTIRE ALLEY IN BLOCKS 794, 826, AND 827, TOWN OF LA PORTE, RETAINING SANITARY SEWER <br /> AND DRAINAGE EASEMENTS; AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF A DEED TO THE <br /> ADJOINING LANDOWNERS, FINDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW; AND <br /> PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. <br /> 6. DISCUSSION OR OTHER ACTION <br /> (a) Discussion or other action regarding Open Riding Rules and Rental at Lomax Rodeo Arena — <br /> R. Epting <br /> Parks and Recreation Director Roz Epting presented a summary. <br /> Councilmember Leonard questioned about there not being any custodial care and if that could be <br /> considered for an extra fee. Ms. Epting responded yes, they could develop a prepping fee. <br /> Councilmember Leonard thinks that adding a fee for mucking the area would be reasonable. <br /> Councilmember Earp mentioned that staff may want to speak with residents who frequently use the <br /> arena to see if they would be in favor of a fee for non-residential rentals. Parks and Recreation <br /> Director Epting responded yes and will provide feedback to Council. <br /> Mayor Rigby questioned if the agreement between the City of La Porte and the La Porte Livestock <br /> Show and Rodeo Association has a clause in it stating that the Association does the bookings for <br /> the arena. Parks and Recreation Director Roz Epting responded that the Association has a certain <br /> number of days for bookings, and the remaining days go through the Parks and Recreation <br /> Department. <br /> Mayor Rigby asked if Council wanted to act on this item or postpone to another meeting date <br /> pending feedback from staff. <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br /> June 22, 2015, Council Meeting Minutes <br />