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~ ~ <br />• Minutes, Joint Public Hearing and Regular Meeting <br />September 16, 1981, Page 10 <br />G_~: Yes -- they made a recommendation but they didn't say the <br />Council had to act on it. <br />Hudgens: No, they did not direct the Council. They merely <br />made a manpower needs study and recommended manpower staffing. <br />Faris: And while there is a change of title involved, there is <br />no change in salary, retirement benefits, stature in office. <br />Jacobs: Well, the way we are looking at it, it's a personal to <br />him; if you had been the Assistant Chief here 18 years and they <br />dropped you down like this. Our question is why wasn't it left <br />as is? You've got 3 staff positions, 2 lieutenants and one <br />Assistant Chief of Police. Upon his retirement or the vacancy <br />of that slot, any way you look at it you would still be <br />covered under Civil Service. Then, once the Council sees that <br />position come vacant, abolish it or you may decide down the <br />line to leave it as is. But we disagree with the changing of <br />the wording. We have heard there are several other things <br />and the only thing we have right now is rumors, that we won't <br />know anything about until after October 1, once it becomes <br />passed and in effect by the Council. <br />Faris: No, I think you should consider it just rumors. The <br />only thing we are working on is just what's right here before <br />us. <br />Jacobs: Well, like I said, there are some things you will act <br />on after October 1st. Thank you. <br />Skelton: Mr. Hudgens, do we have until November lst to pass <br />this? <br />Hudgens: The State Statute says that you have to enact this <br />within 30 days following the initiation of your fiscal year. <br />We have worked very hard to get it done to be effective by <br />October 1. <br />Faris: Mr. Skelton, if I may, the salary schedule is a part <br />of the budget package, and as such, if not passed, may affect <br />the overall budget issue. <br />Gay: Changing the wording would have an effect on the budget? <br />Faris: Changing the salary schedule. <br />G-~': We're not changing the salary schedule, only the wording. <br />