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• <br />Joint Public Hearing 6/21/78 2 <br />2. CONSIDER REZONING LOTS 13, 14, 15, AND 16, BLOCK 1373, TOWN <br />OF LA PORTE, HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, FROM RESIDENTIAL TO "C" <br />APARTMENT AND COMMERCIAL - ayor _eza as a i. ere Baas any <br />one esiring o spea __or the rezoning? There was no one. <br />Mayor Meza asked the Planning and Zoning Commission if they <br />had a recommendation for the rezoning. Mrs. Pat Muston, <br />Chairman, stated that the Commission had no recommendation <br />since the prior Planning and Zoning Commission had heard the <br />request and were in favor of the rezoning. <br />Mayor Meza asked if there was anyone desiring to speak against <br />the rezoning? <br />Mr. James Savell was recognized and asked why his property was <br />being split and only a portion of it zoned commercial? It was <br />determined that Mr. Savell had purchased two of these lots in <br />question for rezoning after the request for rezoning had been <br />made. The legal requirements are such that there was a period <br />of time to lapse and the owner had sold the lots to Mr. Savell. <br />Mr. Savell had no objections to the rezoning. <br />• There was no one else desiring to speak for or against the <br />rezoning. <br />Motion by Commissioner Tomerlin, seconded by Commissioner <br />Kibodeaux to rezone Lots 13, 14, 15, and 16, Block 1373, <br />Town of La Porte, Harris County, Texas, from Residential to <br />"C" Apartment and Commercial. Motion carried by the following <br />vote: <br />AYES: Commissioners Tomerlin, Kibodeaux, Cline, and Simons. <br />NAYS: None. <br />+ + + <br />3. ADJOURNMENT - Mayor Meza adjourned the Joint Public Hearing <br />at 7:08 P.M. <br />+ + + <br />~ o <br />MarJ~~ g oyen, Ci Clerk <br />Passed and Approved this <br />the 5th day of July, 1978. <br />J. J. Meza, Mayo <br />