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1954-02-05 Special Meeting
City Meetings
City Council
1954-02-05 Special Meeting
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Last modified
11/2/2016 12:06:35 PM
Creation date
6/15/2006 1:22:58 PM
City Meetings
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City Council
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<br />IQNUTFS - SPECIAL MFETT~G <br />LA PORTS cITY co~[ISSIOx - FESaUAi~y 5, 1~5~ <br />1:30 P. Y. <br />Special ~teetins •f the City Cnenissi.on xas called to order by Yager sarr~.n~ with <br />the felleRinE neabers ani city officials presents Ce~i.ssiaaers L. R. itby ani <br />Eebert A. White, City Attoa~ney Edrrard J. Cale, Supt. of Pabl~c aierks W.A.. Arthur <br />and City Clerk J. E. Yaldeon. <br />Minutes of the last neetinss *ere real and approved. <br />Mr. Janes E. Ste~rart appeared before the Ce~nissioa and ask that he be peradtted <br />to tie en to the (iraniviear Avenue 1Pater line. Steuart explained that he artd Nr. <br />Fred Lyes etRned parcels of property which ~rer a w~aed by are ~ at the rise the <br />nafl, contract was entered irate. Stewart ~ s per®per6'1r' is en one size of fay- <br />ridse ttea,d and Lyons ~ is on the ether site. Stewart iastallina the serer ~weul.d <br />entail ne raha~e in the lice, sirt~ a the line erisinal].y serTed Beth sides of the <br />read ~ this poreperty. <br />Yotiea by lti~Ly, second by sttrsin, instructirt~ the Water Satperintendent to 3.n- <br />stall a =eter at Janes B. Stewart s piace~ and centtect to the Graadvierr ATer~e <br />line. _ <br />4i Carried. <br />Co~tiss3.ener White cane ist• the tweeting at this peiztt. <br />N. A. Arthac ~ Pab3ic Works Snpe~r int ertdent, report ed ~n the electrical ~raErk en the <br />Ceek stac~tctnra7. steel 3eb~ and advised the Cemiissiea that the electrician deicer <br />the irork had violated the City Ordixtartce br ~leiss the perk witheat a citt~` license, <br />•r pwttins up a bens with the City. The Cewmi.ssLen instructed Yr. Arthur, Supt. <br />of Public Woks, t• carrg eat roles and r egulations stiptzlate~ in the f?rdinarzce. <br />Yr. d. 0. ~te7lias, Fire Chief, appeared bef~e the Casaissiea and epeke abotat <br />takiss acne prevegtatiir~ iea~tres asainst ieteriearatiog of the City I~a11 and <br />Fire Station bnild~. 'He pointed emt that the=winder-a needed repattyins, <br />screens repla~cei, wed that the inside walls could use a Yaod coat •f paint. <br />He also stated that t he roof aloe the Fs,re Lepart~rent~ s tanker roost is ieakixar <br />bai1~, anti ahettld be repaired it~meiiately, before farther dame is- iene to the <br />broil. 3te11ists also recemtenied acne electrical perk, pttttixta in a ii~tt <br />fiattare ea the lens flerar, i~nstallitss a hot ply for t he water coop, a~td <br />a condu3.t for a see iasoline puwp. ge als• xamtel a flood ].isht installed es <br />the Fjre~a s sarase apart tent. <br />The Ce®niss3ros felt that west of the ~rerk coup. be lone by the pail fire~tas <br />ani iertbers of the Public Woks departs~eat. Thar decided t• aek for bids en <br />the electrical wort. <br />The Ceamtissien treat oa record as oppesi~ the FedEral tax en Yuaicipal semis. <br />A bill is Herr pendin= in the Reuse of ~iepreseattrrtitres, trhich trould levy catch, a <br />tan. The tax Weald s®sa~ hishetr i~mterest mate en a~icipal bamis. lit~icipal <br />bonis are sew e~mpt front incetae taz. The C~isbien axtther3sed a Reselttt3roa <br />opposins this tax, be seat t.e Congressnaa A1be1•t Thomas. <br />191 <br />
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