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Name Page count Template name
R-2015-01 oppose any legislation increasing maximum transport haul weights over roadways in City of La Porte[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-02 oppose Senate Bill 343 which would errode authority of Home Rule Municipality[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-03 authorize resale of certain tax delinquent properties/lots 19-20,block 200;lots 27-29,block 76,Town of La Porte[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-04 approve amendment to Section 5.04 of the bylaws of LP Development Corporation[Icon] 3 Legislative Records
R-2015-05 authorize body camera project axquired through a grant with Criminal Justice Division, Office of the Governor[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-06 denying the rate application proposed by CenterPoint[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-07 deny Application for Approval of Distribution Cost Recovery Factor ‎(DCRF)‎ proposed by CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric,LLC[Icon] 3 Legislative Records
R-2015-08 join other municipalities/part of Houston Coalition of Cities/with CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC.'s Application for Approval of Distribution Cost Recovery Factor ‎(DCRF[Icon] 3 Legislative Records
R-2015-09 Crime Liaision Grant 2016-2017 FY[Icon] 1 Legislative Records
R-2015-10 contracts/agreements for conducting a business study of the La Porte Municipal Airport with expenditures from FY2016 Budget[Icon] 1 Legislative Records
R-2015-11 approve revised Harris County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan for CLP[Icon] 1 Legislative Records
R-2015-12 STEP Grant ‎(Speed and Intersection Traffic Control)‎[Icon] 3 Legislative Records
R-2015-13 authorize publication/notice of intent/issue certificates of obligation, distribution of preliminary official statement[Icon] 4 Legislative Records
R-2015-14 adopt 2015 Appraisal Roll of HCAD[Icon] 1 Legislative Records
R-2015-15 commit $2,000,000.00 to GF balance for health insurance[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-16 nominate Ed Heathcott for position on HCAD Board of Directors[Icon] 1 Legislative Records
R-2015-17 adopt Texas Investment Policy[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-18 resale of 6 tracts of land ‎(see exhibit 'A')‎[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-19 resale of tax foreclosure property lots 23-26, block 34[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-20 appoint representative and alternate to HGAC general assembly and board of directors[Icon] 1 Legislative Records
R-2015-21 authorize sale of certain property/lots 20-25,block 83,Town of La Porte[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-22 cast ballot/election of Ed Heathcott-board of directors of HCAD[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-23 lots 1, 3-7, 10, 17-29, 31, 32, block 1149 La Porte; grantee First Baptist Church La Porte[Icon] 2 Legislative Records
R-2015-24 36-hour rule for PIRs[Icon] 4 Legislative Records
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24 Entries
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