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• <br />• <br />Requested For: An 11.79 acre tract out of the William P. Hams Survey, <br />Abstract 30, which is further described as being located in the <br />800 block of McCabe Road. (See Exhibit A) <br />Requested BX: Bradley Womack and Melanie K. Liska of Rescue Concepts, <br />Inc. acting on authority of the Ruth E. McClain Est., property <br />owner. <br />Zonin Planned Unit Development(P.U.D.) with an underlying land use <br />designation of Low Density Residential. (See Exhibits A & B) <br />Purpose of Request: The applicants are proposing a Commercial P.U.D. to be <br />utilized as an emergency response education facility and <br />. company office. <br />Background: Rescue Concepts is a company that specializes in training <br />municipal and industrial response teams . Response teams are <br />• ~ ,the teams that are called on to assist in various types of <br />emergency situations; fire, weather, environmental, etc. <br />Instruction is to be provided through a combination of <br />classroom instruction and mock up demonstrations. Exhibit C <br />is the preliminary development site plan submitted by Rescue <br />Concepts. Exhibit D, which is attached and follows this report, <br />outlines the company's development plan. <br />As noted, the tract in question is zoned Planned Unit <br />Development with an underlying Residential Land Use <br />designation. Additionally, the proposed development itself is <br />referred to as a Planned Unit Development. The zoning and <br />development designations are related as follows: <br />A Planned Unit Development zoning designation mandates a <br />specific review and approval process; review and public <br />hearing(s) performed by the Planning and Zoning Commission <br />followed by review and public hearing by City Council. This <br />process is designed and intended on one hand to provide <br />developers greater flexibility in design and use of a site. On the <br />other hand, it provides the City the ability to mandate design <br />. criteria and property controls deemed necessary to adequately <br />protect surrounding properties. <br />