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d. Adopt Resolution 2022-12 indicating the City's re -affirmation of the policies outlined <br />within Resolution 2019-09, in connection with the City's participation in federally <br />funded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Projects. [Ray Mayo, Director <br />of Public Works] <br />e. Adopt Ordinance 2022-3888 authorizing the sale of City -owned surplus real <br />property located near the corner of 171 Street and West Main Street and legally <br />described as a tract or parcel of land out of Lots 4 and 6, Block 726, Townsite Of La <br />Porte, Harris County, Texas, and authorize the City Manager to execute a deed to <br />the buyer for the subject property. [Corby Alexander, City Manager] <br />f. Adopt Ordinance 2022-3889 authorizing the sale of City -owned surplus real <br />property located near the corner of 17t' Street and West Main Street and legally <br />described as a tract or parcel of land out of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 726, Townsite of <br />La Porte, Harris County, Texas, and authorize the City Manager to execute a deed <br />to the buyer for the subject property. [Corby Alexander, City Manager] <br />g. Approve a Professional Service Agreement with Whitley Penn, LLP to perform <br />financial auditing services for the City of La Porte and the La Porte Area Water <br />Authority for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022. [Michael Dolby, Finance <br />Director] <br />Mayor Pro Tern Engelken moved to approve the consent agenda items; the motion was <br />seconded by Councilperson Bentley: the motion was adopted, 9-0. <br />6. STATUTORY AGENDA <br />a. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on a proposed pilot program for <br />utilization of employment sign -on bonuses for select positions. [Matt Hartleib, HR <br />Manager] <br />Mayor Pro Tern Engelken moved to direct staff to approve the proposed program through <br />the end of the current fiscal year: the motion was seconded by Councilperson Bentley: the <br />motion was adopted, 9-0. <br />6. REPORTS <br />a. Receive report of the Drainage and Flooding Committee meeting. [Councilperson <br />Martin] <br />Councilperson Martin said the Committee received updates on the proposed Beazer <br />Homes development and Harris County Flood Control District projects, and set the next <br />meeting for July 11. <br />7. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS <br />• Planning and Zoning Commission meeting, June 16 <br />• City Council meeting, June 27 <br />• La Porte Development Corporation Board of Directors meeting, June 27 <br />City Manager Alexander said he had visited with Ms. Cooper and would continue to <br />communicate through the proposed design changes. <br />8. COUNCIL COMMENTS Hear announcements concerning matters appearing on the <br />agenda; items of community interest; and/or inquiries of staff regarding specific <br />factual information or existing policy from the Mayor, Councilpersons, and City staff, <br />for which no formal action will be discussed or taken. <br />