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<br />5. City and, Company aa~stowledge circumsta.z~ces might
<br />require the C~.ty to provide emergency services to
<br />Company's Px`operty t~escribed an ~xh~.bxt "ATM attached
<br />hereto. Emergency services are limited to fire,
<br />police, and public works eme~rgcn,cy services. If
<br />Company is not a member of C`hanne~. 1Mdustries Mutual.
<br />Aid Association (cTMAj , Ccampany agrees to reimburse
<br />city far its costs arising out of arty emergency
<br />respoxtse retested by Company tv company's property,
<br />and to which City agrees tp respan~., Tf Company is a
<br />member at GzMA, the abligatiazxs of Company and City
<br />sha11 be governed by the LIMA agreement, 'to which,
<br />agreement city is a party.
<br />IV.
<br />This Agreement shall extend fox a period begixzxting art the 3.st da,y
<br />of ~Ianuary, ~4D8, aad continuing t~xexeafter unt~.l December 33,
<br />X019, unless extended, for an additional period or periods of time
<br />upon mutual consent of Company ar~d pity as provided by the
<br />Municipal A'anexation Act; provXded, however, that iri the event
<br />this Agreement is not sa extended for art additional per~.od ar
<br />periods of time art car before August 31, ~p7.9, the agreement of
<br />City not to annex property of Company within the District shah.
<br />termxxtate. Iri that eveaat, City shaY~. have the right to co~;nmence
<br />immediate annexatxoxt praceed,ings as to all of Campan.~r~s property
<br />covered bX this Agreement, notwithstanding any of the terms and
<br />provxsi.ans of this Agreement.
<br />Compaixy agrees that if the Texas Municipal Act, Section 42.044,
<br />Texas Local GovexMmertt Code, xs amended after January ~,, ~,gg4, ar
<br />any new ~-egisZatian is t~xereafter ezxacted by the Legislature of
<br />the State of Texas which impasse greater restrictions oxt the right
<br />of City to arxrtex land be~,ortging to Ct~mpany ax imposes further
<br />o?~ligatxans on City in oannectiozz therewith after the annexati,ozt
<br />of such land, Company will waive the x~xght to require C~,ty to
<br />comply with any such add~,tianal restrictions or ololiga,tions and
<br />the rig~xts of the part~.es shaZ1 be then detez~mined i~ accordance
<br />with, the provisions of said 'texas Ntun.ic~,ps,l Annexat~.on Act as the
<br />same existed ,7artuary 1., 199 .
<br />V.
<br />Tha.s ,Agreem,ent may be extended fnr an additional period ar periods
<br />by agreement between City and Company and/ar its assigns even
<br />though xt is not extended by a.gree~tent between C~,'ty and all ofi the
<br />owzt.ers of a~I land within the District of wh~.c~Z it ~.s a part .
<br />VT.
<br />A. Tn the eve~,t Campa~,~r Bleats to protest the valuatia~x for tart
<br />purposes set an its sand prcapexties by City ax~ by tl~e Harris
<br />County Appraisal District far any year or years during the terms
<br />hereof, z~athing irz this Agreement shall preclude such protest and
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