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BUILD]2\TGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS § 82-102 <br />ARTICLE n� ELECTRICAL CODE <br />DnTISION 1. GEN <br />See. 82 Definitions. <br />The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings <br />ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: <br />Apprentice electrician means the holder of an apprentice electrician license. <br />Electrical work means the installing, maintaining, altering, repairing or erecting of any <br />Lx in <br />electrical wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment for which a permit, is <br />required under the terms and provisions of the electric code. <br />Inspector shall mean the chief building official of the city or any of theldivision construction <br />inspectors under her/his supeiiision, <br />Journe electrician license. <br />yman electrician means the holder of a journeyman olec <br />Master electrici-an means the holder of a master electrician license. <br />(Ord. No. 1637, §§ 1(1-01, 1.03, 2.05, 2.15, 2.21, 2.22, 2.30), 3-13-89; Ord. No. 96-2079-E, § 3, <br />5-10-04; Ord. No. 96-2079-H, § 1, 9-12-05) <br />Gross referenc--Defl-niLions generally, § 1-2, <br />Sec. 82-102. Electrical work to be done only by or under licensed master electrician, <br />(a) Except as provided in this article, it shall be unlawful for any person to do electrical <br />work within the city unless such person is a master electrician licensed under the provisions <br />of the Electrician's Occupations Code (a.k.a. The Texas Electrical Safety and Licensing Act), or <br />unless such person does such electrical work under the super-ision, dit ection and control of a <br />master electrician licensed under the provisions of said code. <br />(b) Nothing in the Electrician's Occupations Code (a.k.a. The Texas Electrical Safety and <br />Licensing Act) shall ever be construed or operate to prevent any person from doing electrical <br />work in or on his property which he owns, where he resides and which he maintains as a <br />homestead. Such homeowner shall not be required to be a licensed electrician but shall <br />otherwise conform to all other requirements of said code. In doing electrical work on his own <br />property; as provided in this subsection, such owner shall not use any hired assistant unless <br />such assistant is duly licensed under the terms of said code. <br />(c) Except as provided in subsection N of this section, no electrical work shall be performed <br />by any person not the holder of the required license. No person, firm or corporation shall <br />employ any other person for doing electrical work unless such person proposed to be employed <br />is the holder of the proper license. <br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(1.02), 8-13-89; Ord, No. 96-2079-H, § 2, 9-12-06) <br />Supp. ND, IS CD82:13, <br />