§ 82-103 LA PORTE CODE
<br />See, 82-103. Reserved,
<br />Editor's noteā¢Ordinance No. 96-2079-E, § 3, adopted May 10, 2004, repealed § 82-103 in
<br />its entirety Formerly, such section pertained to electrical maintenance work to be done by
<br />licensed maintenance electricians; exceptions and derived from Ord. No, 1637, § 1(2.23),
<br />3-13-89.
<br />Sec. 82-104. Tampering.
<br />(a-) It shall be unlawful for any person to bridge, tamper with or change from its original
<br />installation, except upon the approval of the inspector, and then only after a proper permit for
<br />alteration has been issued, any fuse of the plug, cartridge type or link type, installed in panel
<br />boards, main switches or switchboards, or to alter or change circuit 'break-ers so that, the
<br />original calibration will be affected, or to tie down or secure any circuit. breaker so that it Will
<br />not function properly.
<br />(b) It shall be unlawful for any person, in any manner, to interfere with any electrical
<br />wiring installed or being installed in, or on, within or without, any structure or building. If in
<br />the course of erection of a building or structure the wiring is in such position as to interfere
<br />with the erection or com pl e tion of the building or structure as called for by the plans, notice
<br />shall immediately be given the person installing th wiring and the needed change shall be
<br />made by such person,
<br />(c) It shaE be unlawful for an parson to make connection fi-om a source of electrical energy
<br />to an electrical Xtures and equipment for the
<br />y ele, ca l wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fi
<br />installation of which a permit, is required until it shall have received an approval by the
<br />inspector.
<br />(d) It shall be unlawful for any person to make connection from a source o f electrical energy
<br />to any electrical wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment which have
<br />been disconnected by the inspector or the use of which has been ordered by the inspector to be
<br />discontinued until approval has been issued by the inspector.
<br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(1,04), 3-13-89; Ord, No. 96-2079-H, § 3, 9-12-05)
<br />S Reserved.
<br />Dn 2. RE SERVED*
<br />Sees, 32.151-82-280. Reserved,
<br />*Editor's noteāOrdinance No. 96-2079-E, § 3, adopted May 10, 2004, repealed §§ 82-
<br />151 -82 -259 in their entirety Formerly, such sections pertained to licenses and certificates
<br />and derived from Ord, No. 1637, § 1, 3-13-8
<br />Supp. No, 13 CD82:14
<br />