<br />electrical installations and reinspections of.all electrical installations, all as provided in this
<br />article, He shall keep complete records of all permits issued, inspections and reinspections
<br />made, and other official work performed in accordance with the provisions of this article.
<br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(3.01), 3-13-89)
<br />The inspector shall have the right from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Monday—Friday) or in
<br />emergency situations, to enter any building in the discharge of his official duties or for the
<br />purpose of making any inspection, reinspection or test of the installation of electrical wiring,
<br />apparatus, dm ices, appliances, fixtures and electrical equipment contained therein, and shall
<br />have the authority to cause the turning off of all electrical currents and to cut or disconnect in
<br />cases of emergency any wire where such electrical currents are dangerous to life and property,
<br />or where such wires may interfere with the work of the fire department. The inspector is
<br />hereby empowered in emergencies to disconnect and to order the discontinuance of electrical
<br />service to an.) electric wiring, apparatus, device, appliance, fixture or equipment found to be
<br />dangerous to life or property because of its being defective or defectively installed or otherwise
<br />not in conformity with the provisions of this article until such wiring, apparatus, deVice,
<br />appliance, fixture and equipment and their installation have been made safe as directed by
<br />him/her in conformity vdth this article.
<br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(3,02), 3.13-89; Ord, No. 96-2079-E, § 3, 5-10-04)
<br />Sec. 82 -309. Installations to be concealed.
<br />MThen an y the permanent placement of
<br />y part of a wiring installation is to be concealed b.
<br />parts of a building, the master electrician to whom the permit has been issued shall notify the
<br />inspector, provided that on such installation as the concealment of parts of the wiring -must, in
<br />the discretion of the inspector, necessarily proceed continuously, the master electrician to
<br />whom. the permit has been issued shall give the inspector clue notice, and inspection shall be
<br />made periodically during the progress of the - work, Where, in the discretion of the inspector, it
<br />is necessary, he shall post notice upon the premises stating that work is approved and may be
<br />covered, or is not approved and may not be covered, until such further inspection as is
<br />necessary has been made. Any person destroying, altering or defacing such notice without the
<br />consent of the inspector, shall be deemed guilty of an offense under this section, and an.) work.
<br />described in the notice shall be stained pending the further necessary inspection, Upon the
<br />completion of the Nvork which has been authorized by the issuance of a permit, it shall be the
<br />duty of the master electrician to whom the permit, has been issued to immediately notify the
<br />inspector, who shall inspect such installations within three days, exclusive of weekends and
<br />holidays, of the time such notice is given.
<br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(3,03), 3-13-89; Ord. No. 96-2079-E, § 3, 5-10-04)
<br />See. 92-309. Authorization for electrical service.
<br />If the work is found to be in compliance with the provisions of this article, the inspector,
<br />subject to the other applicable provisions of this article, shall issue a final approval to the
<br />Supp. o. CD82-.17
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