§ 82-309 LA PORTE CODE
<br />public utility corporation furnishing the electrical service or the person supplying the energy,
<br />which approval shall authorize connection of such approved work to the source of energy of the
<br />electrical service, the turning on of current and the use of the installation. No connection shall
<br />be made until such authorization and final approval is given.
<br />(Ord. No. 96-2079-H, § 5, 9-12-05)
<br />Editor's note—Ord. No. 96-2079-H, § 5, adopted September 12, 2005, amended § 82-309 in
<br />its entirety to read as herein set out. Former § 82-309 pertained to certificate of approval, and
<br />derived from Ord. No. 1637, § 1(3,04), 3-13-89.
<br />See. 82-310. Reinspection; correction of unsafe conditions.
<br />The inspector shall make, upon information .or belief that faulty conditions exist, a thorough
<br />reinspection of any electrical wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment
<br />now installed or that may hereafter be installed and within the scope of this article, and when
<br />the installation of such wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures and equipment is found
<br />to be at variance with the original permit issued, or to be in a dangerous or unsafe condition,
<br />or if it is found that the electrical measuring device has been tampered with so as to create a
<br />condition dangerous to the continuity of the electrical service or to property, the person owning,
<br />using or operating the same shall be notified in writing and shall make the necessary repairs
<br />or changes required to place such wiring, apparatus, devices and equipment in safe condition
<br />so as to relieve the hazards created by such unauthorized conditions, and shall have such work
<br />completed within ten days, or any reasonably longer period specified by the inspector in the
<br />written notice.
<br />- (Ord. No. 1637, 3-13-89; Ord, No. 96-2079-H, § 6, 9-12-05)
<br />See. 82-311. Schedule of fees for inspection.
<br />The master electrician mah-ing or supervising installation or alteration of electric wiring,
<br />apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment,, shall pay to the city fees in such
<br />amounts as established by the city and listed in appendix A of this Code,
<br />(Ord, No. 1687, § 1(3.06), 3-13-89)
<br />Sec, 82-312. Reserved,
<br />Editor's note—Ordinance No. 96-2079-E, § 8, adopted May 10, 2004, repealed § 82-312.
<br />Fonnerly, such section pertained to failure to paYinsPaUquOn fees and derived from Ord. No,
<br />1687, § 1(3,07), 3-13-89.
<br />Secs, 82-313—S2_335. Resened,
<br />See, 82-836. National Electrical Code option,
<br />(a) The National Electrical Code, ?.0 Edition, is hereby adopted as the regulations to
<br />govern and to be observed and followed in all electric wiring and in all electrical construction,
<br />installation, repair, alteration, operation and maintenance of electric wiring, apparatus and
<br />fixtuxes, except for the amendments adopted in sections 92-337 through 82-350, of this
<br />chapter,
<br />Swap. No, 18 OD82:18
<br />