§ 82-342 IA PORTE CODE
<br />See. 82-342, Wiring v6thin buildings.
<br />Nonmetallic sheathed cable shall be used only for residential work, apartment houses,
<br />hotels, motels and similar occupancies equal to and less than three stories in height.
<br />Conductors in or an all file and masonry walls of such buildings shall be encased in rigid
<br />conduit, flexible conduit, PVC conduit or electrical metallic tubing, Minimum size nonmetallic
<br />sheathed cable shall be limited to No. 12 AWG.
<br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(5,05), 3-13-89; Ord. No. 96-2079-H, § 9, 9-12-05)
<br />See. 824343. Reserved.
<br />Editor's note Ord. No. 96-2079-H, § 10, adopted September 12, 2005, repealed § 82-343,
<br />which pertained to ground contact and derived from Ord. No, 1637, § 1(5.06), 3-13-89,
<br />See. 92-344. Meter cabinets.
<br />Meter cabinets or meter sockets shall be approved by the electric public service companY
<br />and installed in accordance with subsection 82-102(a) of this chapter, Mater cabinets shall be
<br />installed in accordance with electric public senrice company standards and the National
<br />Electrical Code (NTEC).
<br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(6.01), 3-13-89; Ord. No. 96-2079-H, § 11, 9-12-05)
<br />See, 92-345. Feeders.
<br />All services, except residential and interior feeders, shall bs installed in rigid metal conduit,
<br />electric metallic tubing or approved busways, except that underground services and feeders
<br />may be installed in approved ducts or plastic conduit. The portion of the service ahead of the
<br />meter cabinet shall not be run through attic spaces.
<br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(6.02), 3-13-89; Ord, No. 96-2079-H, § 12, 9-12-05)
<br />Sec, 82-346. Flexible conduit,
<br />Flexible metallic conduit may be used, provided that such flexible metal conduit, meets all
<br />specifications of the National Electrical Code; provided, however, that the er=ring method of
<br />BX/Annour Clad is specifically prohibited.
<br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(6.03), 3-13-99)
<br />See. 82-347. Sp regulations for dwellings,
<br />General lighting load in single-family residences shall be divided into not less than three
<br />circuits and shall be balanced as nearly as possible. Circuits may be of either 15 or 20 ampere
<br />capacity or may be mixed. Not more than eight outlets may be connected to any 15-ampere
<br />-
<br />circuit, nor more than his section an ton outlets to 8nY 20-ampere circuit, For purposes of t
<br />outlet is considered to be a receptacle or fixture outlet.
<br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(6.04), 3-13-89)
<br />Supp, No. 18 CD82:20
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