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BUILDINGS AND BU REGULATIONS § 82-381 <br />Sec. 82-348. Franchise, to install equipment in streets. <br />No person or public service company that doer, not operate under a franchise granted by the <br />city shall have the right to install any electrical conduit, wires, ducts, poles or equipment of <br />any character for the transmissions, distribution or utilization of electrical energy, or for the <br />operation of signals or the transmission of intelligence on, over or under the streets in the city, <br />without first obtaining from the city council a franchise right or grant for the particular <br />installation so desired to be made. Any such installation so made under such franchise or grant <br />shall be in strict conformity with all rules and regulations and ordinances of the city <br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(6,05), 3-13-89) <br />See. 82-349. Suspension of approval of materials. <br />The building codes appeals board (SCAB) may, for good and justifiable reasons, suspend or <br />revoke the approval of certain materials or wiring. <br />(Ord. No, 1637, § 1(7,01), 3-13-89; Ord. No. 96-2079-H, § 13, 9-12-05) <br />1111111111 i a 1 • 1 11 . . I a <br />(a) No electrical materials, apparatus, devices appliances, drtures or equipment shall be <br />installed in the city unless they are in conformity Nvith the provisions of this article and the <br />statutes of the state, <br />(b) The maker's name, trademark or other identification symbol shall be placed on all <br />electrical materials, apparatus, dm ices, appliances, fixt=es and equipment, used or installed <br />under the provisions of this article. <br />(Ord. No. 1637, § 1(7,02), 3-13 -89; Ord. No. 96-2079-H, § 14, 9-12-05) <br />Sees. S2-351-82-380. Reserved. <br />ARTICLE V FUEL GAS CODE* <br />See. 52491-,Adoption. <br />(a) Except as provid this article, the International Fuel Gas re edition, <br />published by the International e Council, as amended m' s n s2-382 of this article or <br />addressed by the mechanical regulation the Internati Residential Code, 2005 edition, <br />as adopted by section 82-31 of this chapter, is a and incorporated as fully as if set forth <br />at length in this section and the provisio there shall be controlling in the design, <br />construction, quality of materials, exec installation, alter ion, repair, location, relocation, <br />replacement, addition to, use aintenance of buildings and Ictin-es within the city <br />limits. One copy of the b i ng codes is on file in the office of the city sec <br />` - Editor's no —Ordinance No, 96-2079-8, § 4, adopted March 8, 2004, amende E 82, <br />Art. V, §§ 8 1, 82-382 in its entirety, Formerly, said article pertained to the 1994 Gas e <br />arived from Code 1970, § 8-49; Ord, No, 1786, 4 10, 10-14-91; Ord. No. 2079, § 7, 11-13-95. <br />Supp, No. 17 CD82:21 <br />