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Building Codes Appeals Board <br />Minutes of August 30, 2011 <br />Page 2of3 <br />6. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS <br />Mr. Huber discussed recently issued permits issued for new businesses. <br />7. BOARD COMMENTS ON MATTERS APPEARING ON AGENDA OR INQUIRY OF <br />STAFF REGARDING SPECIFIC FACTUAL INFORMATION OF EXISTING <br />POLICY <br />Mr. Follis informed the Board that he attended the 08/22/11 City Council meeting and the <br />ordinance amending the plumbing code was passed by Council, as recommended by the <br />Board. The effective date will be October 01, 2011. <br />8. ESTABLISH NEXT MEETING DATE, TIME AND TOPICS <br />Staff will contact the Board to confirm the next meeting date. Chairman Campbell asked Mr. <br />Huber to schedule the meeting no later than the end of October. The time will be 6:00 p.m. <br />Items on the next agenda will be review /discussion /consider recommendation to City Council <br />on the National Electrical Code and local amendments as well as <br />review /discussion /consideration of amendments to the Board's rules of procedure. <br />9. ADJOURN <br />A motion to adjourn was made by Mr. Schlather with a second by Ron Holt. Motion passed <br />unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. <br />Respectfully* submitted, <br />Marls Huber <br />Deputy* Building Official <br />