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Board member Woodard moved to hold a Workshop Meeting of the La Porte Development <br />Corporation on a Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. as soon as possible. Board member <br />Pizzitola seconded. <br />The motion was not put to a vote, and discussion continued. <br />The board discussed posting requirements, preparation and deadlines of agenda items, meeting <br />dates and a possible Joint Workshop meeting with the full City Council. <br />Board member Woodard commented a list of questions could be prepared by the board and <br />addressed by staff at a workshop meeting in addition to receiving guidance from City Council. <br />City Manager Ron Bottoms questioned Board member Woodard if there was more of a need for <br />Council input rather than staff input. Board member Woodard responded yes. <br />Committee member Zemanek commented the issue and confusion to new members is the name of <br />the board, and that the board is dealing with quality of life issues which are all approved <br />expenditures by the rules. <br />City Manager Ron Bottoms commented board members had been presented with economic <br />development ideas in the past and that funds are spent on projects when they become available. <br />Mr. Bottoms also commented City Council had requested the board fund Lomax Improvements and <br />the Dog Park at the Council Retreat in April, which he considered a form of direction by Council. <br />Councilmember Clausen agreed the board should work on economic development and commented <br />funds that are legally spent on quality of life issues contribute to economic development by people <br />wanting to live and work in the city. <br />Board member Woodard moved to schedule a Workshop Meeting on Monday. The motion died for <br />lack of a second. <br />The board continued discussion. City Manager Ron Bottoms questioned how a Workshop Meeting <br />would be held without any direction from City Council as previously mentioned. Mr. Bottoms also <br />informed the La Porte Development Corporation Board 2011 -2012 proposed budget required <br />approval by board members. <br />Committee member Woodard questioned if City Council had directed staff to bring the Lomax <br />Improvements to the La Porte Development Corporation for consideration of funding. Committee <br />member Clausen responded yes and added that the City of La Porte 2011 -2012 budget has not yet <br />been approved by City Council. <br />Committee member Zemanek informed at the Budget Workshop Meeting he recommended the La <br />Porte Development Corporation and Hotel /Motel tax collections fund all improvements to the Lomax <br />Rodeo Arena because it would bring tourism and economic development to the city. <br />Board member Woodard moved to hold a workshop meeting whenever City Council could join. <br />Board member Pizzitola seconded. There was no vote taken, and the board continued discussion. <br />City Manager Ron Bottoms suggested staff adding an agenda item for the September 12 City <br />Council Meeting advising Council the La Porte Development Corporation requested input and <br />direction from City Council. Mr. Bottoms also suggested board members be in attendance at the <br />meeting to hear discussion. <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />August 23, 2011, La Porte Development Corporation Board Minutes <br />