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i • <br />Minutes, Regular Meeting, La Porte City Council <br />November 12, 1990, Page 3 <br />Ayes: Councilpersons Sutherland, Cooper, Matuszak, <br />McLaughlin, Porter, Gay, Skelton, Clarke and Mayor <br />Malone <br />Nays: None <br />8. Council considered increased authorization to City of La Porte <br />Contract for professional services with Claunch & Miller, Inc. <br />Motion was made by Councilperson Sutherland to auprove <br />decreasing the approved authorization to the Black & Veatch <br />contract by 515.000 and increase authorization to the Claunch <br />& Miller contract by 513,800 for bidding and construction <br />administration services related to the fire trainincrfacility. <br />Second by Councilperson Cooper. The motion carried, 9 ayes <br />and 0 nays. <br />Ayes: Councilpersons Sutherland, Cooper, Matuszak, <br />McLaughlin, Porter, Gay, Skelton, Clarke and Mayor <br />Malone <br />Nays: None <br />9. Council considered a consent agenda, as follows: (A) Consider <br />rejecting a proposal for microcomputer systems, associated <br />equipment and supplies; (B) Consider awarding a contract for <br />tape subsystem installation; (C) Consider awarding a bid for <br />a bus for Parks and Recreation; (D) Consider awarding bids for <br />three 1/2-ton pick-ups; one mini-van; one 3/4-ton truck-based <br />station wagon; five 4-door police/fire sedans; and one 4-door <br />sedan; (E) Consider awarding bid for motor grader and backhoe; <br />(F) Consider awarding bid for flail mower; four rotary mowers; <br />and slope mower; (G) Consider awarding bid for trash truck; <br />1-1/2 ton aerial truck; and dump truck; (H) Consider awarding <br />bid for asphalt patching truck; (I) Consider awarding a bid <br />for lime slurry; (J) Consider awarding a bid for fly ash <br />stabilized calcium sulfate. <br />Councilperson Porter requested removal of items C,~ D,. and J; <br />Councilperson Sutherland requested removal of items E, F, G <br />and H. <br />Motion was made by Councilperson Skelton to approve items A <br />B and I of the consent agenda. Second by Councilperson Gay. <br />The motion carried, 9 ayes and 0 nays. <br />Ayes: Councilpersons Sutherland, Cooper, Matuszak, <br />McLaughlin, Porter, Gay, Skelton, Clarke and Mayor <br />Malone <br />Nays: None <br />