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<br />• Minutes, Joint Public Hearing and Regular Meeting <br />September 16, 1981, Page 9 <br />Jacobs: I'm talking about the Civil Service transition, the <br />complete package. <br />Hudgens: This is the only thing the Council has to act on. <br />The other things are left to the Civil Service Commission. <br />The drafting of the rules and regulations are done by the <br />Commission, not by the Council. <br />Faris: Furthermore, I would like to point out that while this <br />Council did not entertain the possibility of any group of City <br />employees presenting their ideas on pay scales and budgets to <br />us, other than staff people, we did look very carefully look, <br />at all sides of the issues of every group and every single <br />employee was handled as fairly as possible. We went a long <br />way and had a lot of discussion about how we made Civil Service <br />and the police officers program fair and equal to the program <br />we offered the other employees of the City. We spent many, <br />many hours on the subject. <br />Jacobs: As president of the Association, I feel there is one <br />• position that was not looked at fairly, and that was the de- <br />motion of a man that has been the Assistant Chief here 18 years <br />to a lieutenant slot. Under Civil Service, once his retire- <br />ment came up or that position came open, it could be abolished <br />at that time and three lieutenants could be made. Under this, <br />a man that's served 182 years, and I'm sure that apparently <br />there's some people on the Council or in City Hall that feel <br />that he hasn't done what he is capable of doing. <br />Faris: I don't think that has anything to do with it. As I <br />understood it, the change in rank carried no change in salary, <br />no change in authority, and no change in retirement benefits. <br />Is that not true? <br />Hudgens: That is correct. <br />Jacobs: It's the wording. <br />Faris: Our feelings is that it is merely a change in title. <br />It was a recommendation made by an independent study. Inde- <br />pendent of Council, City Hall, staff and the Police Officers <br />Association. <br />Gay: Due to the report we all studied - ah - pardon me, what <br />was the name of the company that did the study? <br />Hudgens: The Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officers <br />Standards of Education. <br />